And then nothing. That's right the soulless corporate machine has sucked the life from your show, and you are left hanging over a pit of despair. Will you get a continuation, a resolution... heck even a comic book series? Borne of cancellation comes the battle for the return, sometimes it's just a few fanboys banning together to put up a website or two. Occasionaly a campaign is begun, urging fans to sign a petition, send in letters, nuts, strawberries, or maple syrup to the evil studio that cancelled the show.
Podcasts come next, followed by fan conventions, meetups and parties. Then come the t-shirts, the merchandise, the dvd pumping... and even the occasional audio drama.
These crusades can last decades, with casualties in the hundreds of thousands of man hours. Progress to bring your favorite show back can be impossible to measure, and much like a battle against insurgents, tough to continue without losing will. Only the toughest of fandom's can last the years between production, and all too often, they fall to the wayside. So who's still fighting, and can they possibly win?
Survival Codes:
CB ~ comic book
FS ~ Fansite (high quality)
MD ~ movie deal
TVS ~ tv specials
Pod ~ Fan Podcasts
AD ~ Audio Dramas
OM ~ Online Minisodes
D ~ Just dead baby...

Firefly- The battle continues, the crew of serenity all have shows in production, (except Ron Glass, who's probably relaxing by a fireplace somewhere reading shakespeare and sipping cogniac) and Joss Whedon and Tim Minnear have seemingly moved on. There are several devoted podcasts..., and a fanbase that just won't quit. In fact the entire shows premise is about surviving after being on the losing side, and with Summer Glau and Nathan Fillion Alan Tudyk and Adam Baldwin why aren't you a Browncoat yet? Codes: FS,CB,MD,POD,AD
Farscape- John Crichton has wormholes in his brain... and fans across the world dying for more. Seriously the show that the Sci-fi channel (thats right... pre sy-fy) canceled prematurely is still kicking around, in some form. Theres online shorts... a comic book and even talks of more tv specials. Only one question, what is Chiana and is she still hot? Codes: CB,POD,OM
Jericho- I thought I told you that we won't stop. Seriously? This show is beloved by its fans, so much so that they sent tons of nuts to the studio when it was canceled. Strangely it was renewed then canceled again all within a year. People apparently have a strong tie to post apoclytic fiction, and the campaign continues. FS,TVS, POD
Terminator: SCC- No! Even we here at the Mainstream geek are hurt by this one. A great show that could have gotten even better, killed before its time paradoxes could be solved. Glau gets another show...that was canceled to soon. Hope she doesn't get a complex... seriously. Hang in there Josh Friedman, we your fellow geeks feel your pain. POD,FS,D
Dark Angel- A genetically manipulated Jessica Alba kicking but and acting all cat like? How did this show get canceled? It did, and sadly there were few fans rallying for its continuation. Still it's worth a look, and its by pre Avatar obsessed James Cameron, so its got that. Codes: D
Kings- Does it have a fan base? Will anyone crusade for David? Maybe, but despite critical acclaim, this show has less buzz then a three year old dead butterfly. Heres hoping it'll be rediscovered on DVD and come back like Lazaraus of old. Codes: D

Reaper- Originally these series was called ground breaking, later it was buried in the same ground. Apparently there wasn't a lot of people clamoring to watch, and Sam and his pals were killed much like the demons he hunted in the series, and sent to hell for the rest of tv eternity. Fans liked this show... but like a girl they just 'sort of' liked, forgot about. Who cries for thee Sam? Codes: D
Angel- Five Seasons is a good run most would say, but for David Boreanz and crew five seemed a bit short. Still at least they didn't go out like punks, and hey is that a dragon? Whedon fans are some of the most rabid around, and thanks to them shiny ol' Angel got a comic follow up. How bout a movie? No? Well at least we had LA. Codes: CB,POD,AD,D
There are many more crusades to join my geek brethern and sisters. Show them no mercy, for ye shall recieve none. Remember nothing says geek like fighting for a genre tv show.
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