At first the opportunity to walk again even if it means through an alien creatures eyes, is amazingly clear. Jake almost salivates when he enters his avatar for the first time, running and jumping about, and enjoying a renewed freedom.Jake's life is a tragedy unto itself. He's lost the use of his legs, confining him to a rugged wheel chair. He's status in his life so far is painfully clear, and it's painted on the back of that chair in the word 'Grunt'. He's given part of his life to the military and they have seemingly returned precious little. Adding to his tragedy is the loss of his twin brother. It's never implicit on screen, but one can infer and imagine that his brother was a research scientist and also at odds with his twins warlike ways.
...experience as a human in jungles of earth or on other worlds will not help him on Pandora.
As Jake begins to explore the jungle he, like us, is mystified and stunned by the beauty and the elegance of the Pandoran jungle. Soon, through a wild animal attack and a night of fear, we meet our first Naavi, Neytiri, a princess of the Naavi people. (Why does it always have to be a princess?) She is thin, but strung and agile, and everything action she takes is efficient and or deadly. She is as dangerous as the jungle she calls home, and Jake's intrusion into that world is one that is first. She saves Jake's life, though she is disgusted by his very existence. She quickly shows the naive Jake that his experience as a human in jungles on earth or on other worlds will not help him on Pandora. One of the most shocking things is her putting out his fire. This is an act that has some many layers of significance.
Fire for humans is a sign of civilization, it is one element what separates us from the animals, and its duel purpose of protection and destruction embodies our relationship with technology. For Neytiri to extinguish Jake's fire would be an act tantamount to murder for many of our ancestors. Yet she does so because the fire makes jake blind to the world that he thought he was seeing. The act opens his eyes to the illumination the Pandoran jungle provides for itself, and yet another amazing dimension of Pandora dazzles our eyes.
It is easy to see humanity becoming the aggressors as they are in Avatar.
The Naavi are an amalgamation 0f many different native cultures. The tribes of south america, the now nearly extinct cultures of North America, the zulu warriors of Africa, the Dayak tribes of Indonesia. Yet they are different then these, and here is where nuance is shown. They are reflections of a people more in tune with their environment. Wether technology has ever been a facet of thier lives is not known, nor is it asked here. They confound us, especially during a time when most of us have a link to technology nearly from birth. It is easy to see humanity becoming the aggressors as they are in Avatar. What is shown, is their stark contrast to the technology crazed and greed driven humans that have come to their world. While not all humans share in this greed, it is not hard to draw direct allegory to some of the events in our own shared history. An examination of which still inspires ire and anger at the ravages of our own species.
After being examined by the Na'avi, Jake is allowed to live and invited to learn the ways of the Na'avi. At which point the second act of the movie begins. It's a period of learning and unlearning, and a time for us to learn just how connected to the planet the Na'avi people are.
While the plot of the rest film at this point is predictable, the execution of the storyline is where Cameron shows brilliance. There are a handful of lines that or clumsy and not 'poetic' but there are moments of cinematic brilliance where what is seen on screen creates a spectacle that both awes and inspires. If you don't see Avatar, then you will have missed a major part of the beginning of the second century of film making.
By the films end, we have seen our hero undergo a transformation, and find an ending a bit different then Cameron's pastiche for bleak or bittersweet conclusions. If you dont see Avatar, then you will have missed a major part of the beginning of the second century of film making. Sci-fi movies have a new standard to reach... one created on a planet called Pandora.
Well really its just a Challenge to myself. But a challenge none the less. the Challenge to average one X-box 360 Achievement a Day for a Year. To follow this Challenge I started a new Blog.
Ok, so I was wrong. There I said it. James Cameron is one of the most influential and talented film makers of the last century. He's proven himself time and again, confounding both the pundits and critics. So why did I so doubt him this time? There was a time when I didn't believe that serious cgi characters could ever appeal to my least not enough for a 'serious' movie. The technology did not exist, or the filmmakers couldn't make the effects seamless with the live action portions, or aliens were simply too unbelievable.
There was a time when I didn't believe that serious CGI characters could ever appeal to my least not enough for a 'serious' movie.
These things may have been true of other films, but not Avatar.
Why does Avatar raise the bar for sci-fi movies? Simple, the special affects don't overule the story, nor do they fade to the background after repeated viewings. There is a near perfect synthesis of plot, acting, and effects. Avatar is the type of movie that George Lucas wanted to make when he made Episode 3. A deeply engrossing story, a visual effects powerhouse, a 3-d experience that will leave everyone who watches in nearly gasping in amazement by the time the film is in its 7th minute.
... Avatar is the type of movie that George Lucas wanted to make when he made Episode 3 ...
The story begins and we awaken from cryo-stasis, a very old sci-fi trope, used by Cameron to great effect in Aliens (a great nod to fans of that movie) and as we do the first 3-d effect allows the audience just a taste of the virtual 3-d extravaganza to come. A doctor tells the main character that a little disorientation is normal, and we almost nod to him as if he's speaking directly to us, mainly because we are all adjusting our eyes to the amazing effects.
We begin the film with Jake Sully, the (main protagonist) just as he does. Never before has the hero's birth effect been used with such stunning effect. In mere minutes we sympathize with our new hero, and find him to be the kind of guy we could all be friends with. He's relate-able, and he acts as our human 'avatar' into this incredibly rich world of Pandora. And what a world! It's an world teaming with life on every continent, and if not for the un-breathable atmosphere (to humans at least), and the viscous indigenous creatures it would be dubbed paradise found. Jake is offered the role of Avatar-pilot, as his twin brother (a research scientist) and he share the same genetic code used to create the Avatar. Avatar's are not unlike the "android's" in Blade Runner, they are designed to look like the Naavi, a people indigenous to the planet Pandora, more on them in a bit.
... In mere minutes we sympathize with our new hero, and find him to be the kind of guy we could all be friends with. ...
Pandora is altogether plausible, a massive planet that is a lot like earth not unlike the types that are being discovered even as I write this post. Of course the reason for Sully to be there is another common trope, a precious mineral that we humans highly prize for something. It doesn't really matter what we call it, but its a sure fire bet that we homo-sapiens will always have some rock we desire and place as more valuable then nature or just about anything else.
The Naavi at first dont come off as hokey or overly sympathetic creatures, our first glimpse of them is somewhat shocking, almost as if they are just another strange dangerous creature gracing the surface. From afar they are tall imposing, animalistic, and downright scary. We first see one in the form of the Avatar Jake Sully will eventually inhabit. They are strong, fast, cat-like people that somehow never manage to become cute or familiar, or overtly foreign.
The human base on pandora is downright para-militaristic. The corporation. whose name is not important (just think of the Weyland Corporation from Aliens) has spared no expense in bringing ex-marines and 'warriors' to protect their interests. The military hardware is inventive, but not implausible and or unbelievable.
We meet Colonel Quatritch, who's size and stature is equaled only by his machismo. He has all the hallmarks of a man with balls the size of the moon, and a heart inversely proportional to the size of his balls. If we were all gung-ho marines about to invade Afghanistan or Iraq... we'd love this guy. He's a natural leader, and Sully appears as a shell of man compared to his visage. Yet as much as he impresses, Quatritch is not someone we the audience like, and like the scientists who share the base with the military elements, we bristle a bit at any man who is so unforgivably militaristic.
... Quatritch...has all the hallmarks of a man with balls the size of the moon, and a heart inversely proportional to the size of his balls. ...
As we explore the jungle the abilities of 3-d story telling become abundantly clear. We are sucked into the beauty as it surrounds us and brushes by us. Several times, the audience collectively brushes aside amazingly detailed lifeforms that seem to illuminate the screen, only to be confronted by wondrous other creatures that both terrify and intrigue.
I could go on, but this seems like a review that needs at least another part. So I will pause only to say: Go see this Movie! Avatar is worth twice amount of admission. And please see it in 3-d, as this is the best possible way to see it. ...End of Part 1...
Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy and prosperous new year. I just want to thank everyone who has checked out this blog and listened to the Podcast. It has been a great year and the coming year should be even greater.
In the pantheon of hurdling, there are few jumps larger then the proverbial 'geek' hurdle. Of course some might say that 'nerd' hurdles is the correct term. I chose to ignore those people, as I hope you will as well. A 'geek' hurdle is the level of acceptability a concept can create in the common man-geek (or she-geek if you prefer.) It's the moment when the non-geeky general public tunes out of a science fiction movie, or starts to yawn on the genre tv show that just got canceled.
You know those moments in movies where the unexplained is explained? The super scientist gives you a thirty second explanation for why a certain tech works? Or how he figured out the planet is in danger? Most of the time, that moment is the pinnacle of the 'Geek Hurdle'. Of course you might have other moments, but a majority of the cringe worthy moments, that happen in a blockbuster happen in the exposition.
Here in an uncertain terms (feel free to argue) are the top ranking Geek Hurdles.
Super Soldier - Yes Captain America I'm looking at you. Characters that have enhanced strength and speed due to a special serum, a rigorous training program, or some combination thereof. It's not to far out there, what with the accusations of doping in professional sports. Maybe they don't have a target on their chest, and they probably don't wield a shield, but they are generally believable.
God - Angels, Demons, and general biblical creatures. We live in a Judea Christian Western World were most people learn about the G-O-D when they are young, regardless of wether or not you are religious, most people will buy the big guy getting involved in some fantastic plot.
Mutants - People with special abilities, people who are different from me and you, minus the Xavier school, are generally acceptable, while they begin to strain some credibility, most people will stick around.
Vampires / Werewolves - Sparkly or not, Vamps are a bit of a pill to swallow. At this point your movie/tv show has opened a whole gate way to bigger and crazier concepts. Granted your mind knows they aren't real, but who would argue that David Boreanz is fake? Not me.
Zombies - Walking, running, stumbling, and mostly undead. Once you see these guys its over, forget about it. Realism is gone, and its time to start throwing the undead kitchen sink into the mix. No one is watching zombies and expecting them to be completely believable. If they are they've gone insane, or are watching to many zombie movies.
Magic - You might think that the mysticism would be much lower on the list. Magic is to much of a cure-all. IE Marvel's "House of M". At it's most extreme, Magic trumps plot 9 times out of 10. No matter how impressive, Magic is a costly element to add to any story.
Aliens - They used to be interesting, back before Star Trek and Babylon 5 ruined it for everyone. They've become watered down, overused, walking cliche's . When they are used these days people yawn, become disinterested, or they generally recall post traumatic stress from the last India Jones movie.
Yeah... it's gone. Dollhouse after two glorious and over hyped seasons... is dead as the shows ratings have been since the end of Season One. Never before has so much promise met such an untimely and uncalled for demise...
(Except for Firefly,Dark Angel, The Bionic Woman, Dead Like Me, Family Guy, Jericho, Angel, Terminator:TSCC, Farscape, Space Above and Beyond, My Own Worst Enemy, Galactica 1980, The New American Gladiators, The Old American Gladiators, and just about any other show canceled after early success.)
But Why you ask? Was it the subterranean ongoing story arc? The sub par acting on the part of Elisha Dashiki...Dooku...Dudster? The lack of meaning-full ensemble cast episodes? The over the top sudden face change of Paul Ballard? The introduction of that vital and almost radioactive element known as Glau-minite?
Perhaps its simply the dwindling audience for good ol' Genre Television. You know the type grandpa Roddenberry used to make...
That's right your pa's Genre TV is dying. Ratings are down across the board for most Genre shows, and while a few shows have retained their core audience's it appears as if we maybe in the final age of the scripted sci-fi show on Network TV. If true then no amount of fixing or changing could have changed Dollhouse's fate. "But wait JayT" You say, "What about Stargate Universe... it's ratings are strong? And Fringe is still holding on, and what about "V"?"
Ok, ok, those shows are doing pretty well... but Remember V only has one more episode before a major break in production. Will people forget about the show when it's gone for a month or two after four epy's? Does a rip-off 'Platinum' Omega watch turn your wrist green?
Fringe while still 'holding' hasn't been renewed yet...if people don't watch, it's done. This is Fox we're talking about remember? And Stargate? Well Stargate has a long history of being continued even when ratings are low. The simple fact is that Stargate is the comfort sci-fi that many geeks and nerds alike turn to when everything else goes all Whedony. Call it what you will, but like a friendly ex-girlfriend who's frumpy and eccentric, but makes a mean sammich... we keep going back to her when things aren't going to well and we need comforting.
So what hope is there?
1. Well there's hoping that we can have our minds wiped to completely forget Dollhouse...
2. Perhaps Dollhouse can move to the Syfy channel.
Let's begin by saying what Heroes does well... special effects, ambiance, and great acting. However our favorite NBC sci-fi 'comicbook' style show falls flat nearly in every other category. Ever since the lack luster end to its first season, and its aborted second season, Heroes has become a pariah of 'nerddom'. Not bad enough to be canceled, but not good enough to be lauded. Why you ask? 3. Lack of Heroic acts...
Sure there's the occasional save the day, but rarely does anyone outside of Peter or Hiro do anything worthy of calling them heroes. In the recent episodes, Peter is trying to change that, and good on him for using his abilities to help people... So whats wrong with that you ask? Nothing except that we hardly ever see him actually saving people. All his heroics? Off screen!? Brilliant because instead of focusing on being a hero the show seems to be more worried about his emotional needs.
Note to NBC and the writers ... Heroes save people! Superman puts his all on the line not because he has a complicated back story or a weird shape-shifted brother... but because he wants to protect his fellow citizens. Why not have an episode or three devoted to actually saving people from a disastrous situation? Wait I know! Lets set up and elaborate plot with characters no one knows or cares about so that we can have another top heavy hammy story arc that no one will care about!
Which leads us to Number 2...
2. Arcs' that end in Tangents...
So Hiro and the cheerleader and HRG and Nathan and Peter and Mohinder have all joined forces to end some horrible threat. Day saved, apocalypse averted... now what? Whats that you say? Form a club? Start a therapy group? Link to each others Facebook page?
No... they all go their separate directions and act as if they never met. Seriously the characters seemed to get amnesia at the end of each season, and go back into caring only about themselves and a limited amount of others in their sphere of influence. Whats the deal? Is it so much to ask that some of characters stay in touch? The point of the arc is to have characters grow and learn as a consequence of ongoing events. Yet with each new season a reset button is pushed, characters disappear and no one much seems to mind.
Which leads us to number 1...
1. Characters Matter
Stop treating characters as simply means to tell a story. The characters in Heroes don't seem to matter much, they don't have deep lives, and they seem to exist only as a sounding board for the writers. The series leaves characters behind casually, kills them indiscriminately, and is so obsessed with Sylar so much so that we know more about him then we do any other character. Now, I like Sylar as much as the next geek, but Heroes has become almost the 'Sylar Show'.
"Remember us? No? Don't worry we didn't matter either..."
We could see the beginnings of a group dedicated to help people with abilities... not locking them away but using them constructively. Instead we get the same overlong plot arc after arc.
Instead of really interesting and well thought out villains we get boring cliche's (My Fathers Evil!!), sinister government agents (Grrr, Heroes are Dangerous), Or we pull out the old Sylar bit and give that a go.
Whats going on? Why have some of our favorite Genre shows (excluding Vamp Diaries), been so... bad? The hype from comic-con is gone, the smell of a fresh season is quickly fading, and ratings are beginning to plummet. High time we look at a few of the reasons why these shows are struggling...
Oh Clark, why so serious...
After the last season of the poorly named Smallville, our favorite non-caped crusader decided he should devote his time to saving people and training. Ergo the Black Knight/Blur scheme.
Sadly this plot device was a joke before it started. For years Smallville devotees know and understand that Clark's real papa wanted him to train... we learned that in season 2 of the show. Problem? It's been 7 years! The man's been saving people and the day all that time. Surely this counts for on the job training. What more does he need to learn? The intricacies of Post Kryptonian politics? Possibly a cooking class from dear old dad? Maybe he's learning to not learn? Or perhaps he must unlearn what he has learned to learn what he hadn't learned? Nonsense he still cant fly so whats the point?
The show runners still haven't grasped the idea of interesting surviving villains, instead they use the same heavy handed approach to nearly everyone the Blur faces. They are always psychopathic, or sadly misled to thier doom. Either way... they die minutes after they appear.
'Don't worry Clark he's only 'nearly indestructible'
Villains on 'Smallville' are simply a small speed bump in the rise of clark, and when they are a challenge (See also, Doomsday, Zor El, Titan, Phantom Zone Badies, Meteor Freaks) they essentially are there to look intimidating for a minute and then evaporate like the morning dew. How about a few roving evil guys that always seem to pop back up at the worst times? Perhaps a little proto Legion of Doom? Or is that concept to high brow for this show?
Cue the emotional theme music, the pulse pounding final seconds of a cliff hanger... your favorite genre tv shows most epic moment...
And then nothing. That's right the soulless corporate machine has sucked the life from your show, and you are left hanging over a pit of despair. Will you get a continuation, a resolution... heck even a comic book series? Borne of cancellation comes the battle for the return, sometimes it's just a few fanboys banning together to put up a website or two. Occasionaly a campaign is begun, urging fans to sign a petition, send in letters, nuts, strawberries, or maple syrup to the evil studio that cancelled the show.
Podcasts come next, followed by fan conventions, meetups and parties. Then come the t-shirts, the merchandise, the dvd pumping... and even the occasional audio drama.
These crusades can last decades, with casualties in the hundreds of thousands of man hours. Progress to bring your favorite show back can be impossible to measure, and much like a battle against insurgents, tough to continue without losing will. Only the toughest of fandom's can last the years between production, and all too often, they fall to the wayside. So who's still fighting, and can they possibly win?
Survival Codes:
CB ~ comic book FS ~ Fansite (high quality) MD ~ movie deal TVS ~ tv specials Pod ~ Fan Podcasts AD ~ Audio Dramas OM ~ Online Minisodes D ~ Just dead baby...
Firefly- The battle continues, the crew of serenity all have shows in production, (except Ron Glass, who's probably relaxing by a fireplace somewhere reading shakespeare and sipping cogniac) and Joss Whedon and Tim Minnear have seemingly moved on. There are several devoted podcasts..., and a fanbase that just won't quit. In fact the entire shows premise is about surviving after being on the losing side, and with Summer Glau and Nathan Fillion Alan Tudyk and Adam Baldwin why aren't you a Browncoat yet? Codes: FS,CB,MD,POD,AD
Farscape- John Crichton has wormholes in his brain... and fans across the world dying for more. Seriously the show that the Sci-fi channel (thats right... pre sy-fy) canceled prematurely is still kicking around, in some form. Theres online shorts... a comic book and even talks of more tv specials. Only one question, what is Chiana and is she still hot? Codes: CB,POD,OM
Jericho- I thought I told you that we won't stop. Seriously? This show is beloved by its fans, so much so that they sent tons of nuts to the studio when it was canceled. Strangely it was renewed then canceled again all within a year. People apparently have a strong tie to post apoclytic fiction, and the campaign continues. FS,TVS, POD
Terminator: SCC- No! Even we here at the Mainstream geek are hurt by this one. A great show that could have gotten even better, killed before its time paradoxes could be solved. Glau gets another show...that was canceled to soon. Hope she doesn't get a complex... seriously. Hang in there Josh Friedman, we your fellow geeks feel your pain. POD,FS,D
Dark Angel- A genetically manipulated Jessica Alba kicking but and acting all cat like? How did this show get canceled? It did, and sadly there were few fans rallying for its continuation. Still it's worth a look, and its by pre Avatar obsessed James Cameron, so its got that. Codes: D
Kings- Does it have a fan base? Will anyone crusade for David? Maybe, but despite critical acclaim, this show has less buzz then a three year old dead butterfly. Heres hoping it'll be rediscovered on DVD and come back like Lazaraus of old. Codes: D Reaper- Originally these series was called ground breaking, later it was buried in the same ground. Apparently there wasn't a lot of people clamoring to watch, and Sam and his pals were killed much like the demons he hunted in the series, and sent to hell for the rest of tv eternity. Fans liked this show... but like a girl they just 'sort of' liked, forgot about. Who cries for thee Sam? Codes: D
Angel- Five Seasons is a good run most would say, but for David Boreanz and crew five seemed a bit short. Still at least they didn't go out like punks, and hey is that a dragon? Whedon fans are some of the most rabid around, and thanks to them shiny ol' Angel got a comic follow up. How bout a movie? No? Well at least we had LA. Codes: CB,POD,AD,D
There are many more crusades to join my geek brethern and sisters. Show them no mercy, for ye shall recieve none. Remember nothing says geek like fighting for a genre tv show.
Villains come and villains go, but their evil deeds last forever. As the 2009 Villainy awards end, we eagerly await next years nominees. The job of villainy is hard one, full of toil and little reward. Insurance doesn’t cover planet destroying lasers, and it can be difficult to get good help to rule the world.
Bare in mind, most of these villains could be brought back in a completely ret-conish way, and many have them have defied repeated flat lining in the past.
The Master
The time lord that wouldn’t die. The alien has gone past his original cadre of bodies (13 to be exact) and now rumor has it he’ll be back for the 10th doctors exit. Status: Presumed Dead
The OG of robotic overlords, the bot has had a few different death blows struck against him… yet he keeps on trucking. Maybe people just prefer him over Galvatron? But you gotta love a guy that can turn into a gun. Status: Alive (in the movie)
He whines, he complains, he turns yellow like a school bus, and he’s a traitor to everyone except himself. Why do we like Starscream? Because he’s a true cad, and at least he’s true to himself. Status: Alive (in the movie)
Cromartie – T888
I know I know, T:SCC is just past it’s post mortem, but this show gave us some great characters, none more menacing I think then Cromartie. He just kept coming. I mean he was fried and Decapitated and kept on ticking. If Skynet made a car
I’d buy it, shortly after it tries to kill me. Status: Dead
Evil Cameron
Whats scarier then Summer Glau as a Terminator? Summer Glau as a Terminator coming to kill you…that’s what. Status: Dormant inside Camerons chip lost in the future, and doomed from cancellation…sigh.
It was a good little run, this thing we call Twitter, but alas it's run is up. On Thursday millions of panicked celebrities,unbusy people, and the rest of us normal people woke up to a world without Twitter. The universe however did not end, and we all realized that maybe, just maybe our world was a little too focused on celebrity. This moment is a precious one, for it is the first moment in the last year that everyone was feverishly checking out the latest Tweet. It's a return to a time before life was cluttered with random 140 word clips about our favorite celebs... a time when knowledge was precious, and not readily shared... a time when magic reigned the-
Wait a minute... whats this? Is that a tweet from Captain Tightpants? Please Nathan tell us how great season 2 of Castle will be!!
No... Still down.
Where was I?
Oh thats right. Twitter is an awesome toy destined to one day rule the internet toy box. Inevitably people will tire of the new 'shiny' and it will become the old 'shiny' (see ',, and ColorchangingtshirtsMChammerpa For now lets just all revel in a moment without the constant streaming updates, and enjoy a hacker funded moment of silence. I for one will welcome the familiar wave of sarcastic comments about it's downtime, and bade farewell to the Fail Whale.
For those of you unaware of the concept of time travel, you should stop reading here. Of course you’ve all seen the tales of time follies, and usually they all end in a jaunty tune and a hearty slap on the back…
Of course time travel in real life wouldn’t be quite so nice. Yes, yes I know that Einstein proved time travel impossible, and that a huge wordy explanation from a science nerd would explain that’s it will never happen in our lifetime…
Be that as it may, our fiction has presented us with a pretty diverse take on the whole time vortex thing. From Back to the Futures to Doctor Who, we geeks are wild for time travel…mostly.
Occasionally you’ll find some guy complaining about the magical reset button…usually enabled by a time machine or some such. These people also complain about the word ‘cannon’ a lot, and tend to have very annoying iron clad concepts about space and time. When done correctly the reset button can be a great device, regardless of its dues ex machina principles.
So to assist all you time lords and ladies, here’s a list of the best Time Travel stuff presented in a simple linear non temporal fashion.
Dr Who ‘Blink’ (2007)
-Quite possibly the most fascinating 42 minutes of Time Travel science fiction ever made…inside a Television of course.
Seven Days
-Not well known, but the concept is brilliant.
Star Trek The Next Generation ‘All Good Things’
-The last and greatest episodes of TNG. If your in a temporal paradox, Data rules…
Improv Everywhere ‘Frozen Grand Central’
-Ok so not a show persay, but still simple and fascinating…
Biggles… Adventures in Time
-Don’t ask… world war 1, fighter planes, German super weapons, and a horrible name.
Bill And Teds’ Excellent Adventure
-Dude, it’s Keanu pre-matrix… most excellent.
Of course every good time traveler needs at least two things… a good sense of direction a universal translator… and the answer to life the universe and everything in it…
It's about not going. That's right, NOT Going. At first you might say, "What!!!!!? Me not going to Comic Con is a travesty of Justice!". Maybe your right, maybe you should be among all the booth babes, maybe it should be you who gets a front seat at the Kevin Smith Forum, and just perhaps you deserve to sit in Joss Whedon's lap. But for some reason the god's of geek have deemed that it isn't your turn. Don't be depressed, there are several reasons to keep living.
-You'll get the news...
In today's world, breaking news occurs about 5 seconds away from Twitter. Rest assured that the army of self important diva's that we geeks tend to raise on High will have breaking updates every 23 seconds. Seemingly every media source that is geek will be there, so you won't miss anything except the occasional funky body odor.
-You already know most of whats going to happen...
You're already spoiled. Seriously everyone knows that the overlong cinematic masterpiece that is 'Avatar', we've seen the pics from Iron Man 2, and we know the synopsis of the famed missing Dollhouse episode. Sure there's plenty of new stuff getting dropped, but it'll be leaked, scammed, hacked, and dissected about 2 hours afterwards.
-You'll be a bit pissed...
You are going to be disappointed, something won't meet your expectations, someone won't announce what you fervently hoped for, and you might be a bit miffed that David Tennat won't be Bilbo. You won't have to be restrained by security, or have your tirade broadcast to half the known Geek World.
-You won't get to sit next to Summer Glau...
Face it man, your shot with a Geek celebrity was far-fetched from the start. Break your delusion that all that certain star has to do is lay eyes on your god-like flesh colored beard or your "1980's Transformer Movie" t-shirt to fall madly in geek with you. It's better that your home then in San Diego getting arrested, and slapped with a restraining order...and no just because you have Dichen Lachmann's twitter feed doesn't mean you can 'hang out'.
-You can't afford it...
You've got movies to go see and buy (legally), music to (legally) purchase, Comics to order, new tech to pickup from Best Buy. Between all that and paying modern gas prices you might have enough left over for a plane ticket 2/3's of the way there. Better to relax pop on G4's coverage and play around of COD4 before falling asleep on the couch just as Olivia Munn punches Allison Haislip in the boob.
-Most importantly...
Comic Con isn't about you. This about the thousands of Internet Voices we the people listen to, and allow to judge our media. At the end of the day whether or not Tony Stark will have a successful second outing isn't really important to 'you', nor is whether or not Lucas' live action project will make him a ton of money. A con can't tell you whats really important, and if it does, maybe you should be happy your at home with your family and friends who don't care about your 'next project'.
Host your own Con, invite your celebrity friends, and laugh mockingly at Nathan Fillion on Twitter for not being there...
Why do geeks hate on geeks? Is it the eternal struggle of mankind to better itself in the face of bland and brainless fiction? Or is it like the dolphins who attack and kill there own from time to time for no particular reason. One thing is certain, Geek War is personal.
10. Palm Pre Vs I-phone Vs G1
I-phone is the clear winner of this fatal three way, because those other phones pale in comparison to Jobs' wonder child. I-phone manages to be both simple and cool, without being to costly. It's a master stroke of design, that is only somewhat replicated by other smart phones. Poor Pre is so late to the game it can only help the G1 pick up it's glasses and braces and watch as the I-phone walks off with the popular crowd. Don't feel bad G1, you still have a cool OS, and had a compass and spelling correction a good six months ahead of the competition.
9. Google Vs. Yahoo
I know what your thinking, Google rules all. All hail Google. But there are still some people who prefer the cowboy yell site to the Skynet Google Search Engine. Maybe it's the nostalgic cluttered homepage, maybe it's the retro looking ads in the search results, or maybe it's just an alternate email to join up as a different user handle on a to blast Harry Potter on IMDB.
For this bloggers' money (of which I have little) Yahoo losses this showdown, but who knows maybe being second fiddle to our future robot overlords is a smart move...
8. Kevin Pereira Vs. Olivia Munn
One is the darling of Cable Tv, the other is a hot geek with an odd fetish for pies and at least a cameo in Iron Man 2 (i'll be she plays a pie loving ninja ftw!). What is that has transfixed America on these modern geek celebrities? Is it thier pension for painfully uncomfortable awkward jokes, their strange Portuguese-Sino love hate relationship, or even their disastrous mis-adventures into the world of supernaturally hot pepper shots? Perhaps we shall never know. One thing is for certain... we all just got learned.
7. vs All numbers.
Why is '7' so cool? Seriously, look at him, all laid back. He's just an angle, not even or symmetrical. He just sits there daring '4' to take him on. Even '10' has a hard time keeping him in line. The Han Solo of numbers is never out of his element, and only Riker is more popular around the universe. Sure the Chinese love them some '8', but does '7' care? No. Do you know why? Cause he's '7' and thats all there is to it. Occasionally 7 even hooks up with 6 and answers the question to life and everything in the known universe.
6. Allyson Hannigan Vs. Felicia Day
What is it about redheads? Is it the possibly mystical connections of the old Celtic tribes? The nervous yet amazingly cute acting styles? Or is that deep down all geeks think that redhair equals plus an automatic plus five hit points? Felcia's got the Twitter lead locked down, and her fanboys and girls include millions of MMORPG players from across this fair land of ours from her own Online web-series. Yet Hannigan isn't without her own successes, from becoming an uberwitch for Whedon, to playing a pretty funny gal on CBS's How I met Your Mother, to being the chick we all wish we'd met at band Camp, Ally's got it goin' on. (Did I mention she married Wesley, Alex Denisof?)
5. Whedon Vs. Whedon
Man is this guy good, and man can this guy be evil.
Fans' of the Whedon verse are accustomed to Whedon's flashes of brilliance, as well as his pension to rip your heart out, hold it up while it's still beating and have Xander make a funny joke that makes you die with a smile on your face. He's on his game more then he's off, but even when he's mediocre, you never know what to expect. Firefly, while brief, has been hailed as one of the best Sci-fi tv shows, killed way before it's prime. Dollhouse hasn't had such rave reviews, yet somehow the old sage managed to get Fox to sign up for a second season. With Whedon, you never know when you might get a 'Beer Bad' episode, or something of sheer writing brilliance.
4. PS3 Vs Xbox 360
Japan Vs. America, part II. Or World War Geek... Either way the way it feels like 1941 all over again.
Like the Yamato battleship of WW2, the PS3 has a lot of firepower, but was mostly AwOL for the first few years of it's service life due to the lack of quality games and prohibitive price tag. The playstation is not really a 'game console' I've been told. However Sony proponents will ooze all over themselves about the blue-ray player, the innovative motherboard architecture, they may even began to get a bit angry when you mention Microsoft's product. However the 360 is a stable little machine (provided you avoided the whole 'ring of death' debacle) and offers up many of the same games, for cheaper prices, and without any of the pretentious BS about being 4 years ahead of it's time.
3. Marvel Vs. DC
No one knows when it began exactly, but sometime in the early part of the 20th century, comic books were born. From it's inception few brands have become more beloved then the timeless DC universe. Next to them in the pantheon of Geek Culture stands Marvel, an equal and rival for all time. DC is classic, Marvel is Post Modern. DC's Golden Era reminds of a time when all was tights and underwear over your pajama's, while Marvel warns us that it's not all ways fun to be the hero. Now the tables have turned, DC is struggling to remain relevant, whereas Marvel launches movie bombshell after movie blockbuster, racking up cash like a film flam artist at a sucker convention. Will a new Green Latern movie light the way? Only time and the salivating fanboys will tell.
2. Star Wars Vs. Star Trek
Kirk vs Han, Luke vs Wesley, Picard vs some guy in a jabba costume.
For some reason the two biggest Sci-fi franchises just can't play nice. Star Wars is more Myth than Sci Fi, and admittedly has the better production values (2009 Star Trek not withstanding. The two shows should be like brothers, but their fans' ravenous hatred has spawned years of the most heated debates since Lincoln v Douglas circa 1860. Even the recent Movie Fanboys has more pure hatred for Star Trek then a bar full of pissed of Robert Beltran's.
Simple solution, set phasers to stun, feel the force, and knock back a few guys, your both geeks, and your both mainstream. (Still that guy in the star trek uniform while he's shopping freaks me out) Que the real American heroes soundtrack.
-Its the battle for the ages, the mediocre verse the inspired, the mass produced verse the carefull crafted. In a war with no end in sight, the battle lines have been the same for the last twenty five years. Apple has always relied on its inspired and powerful designs and it's thoughtful (but gut wrenching) product failures. (Macintosh I'm looking at you.) PC's are still not as stable as Mac's but with cheaper prices, and dozens of makers and designs to choose from they flood the market with units for just about every taste... save a loyal mac fan.
The truth is there both are the foundations of our current Geek Culture, and both deserve respect. (Thought that whole I-pod thing is really working for those Mac guys.)
The Swedish film "Let The Right One In" is quite possibly one of the best Vampire movies made. But can it be remade for an American audience, and keep what makes it so great?? We'll just have to wait and see. But Concept poster images that leaked yesterday on Slash Film make me less hopeful.
This is Just Concept Art and may not be a precursor to a poor adaptation, I am not sure if it will be able to stay true to the things that made the original film so good. Matt Reeves says that he won't let it become another Vampire abomination Story like Twilight or the up coming Vampire Diaries (check CW networks) and Hopefully the studio doesn't interfere and ruin that vision.
Alien Nation, a little 1989 Scifi show on a little newcomer network called FOX. It only ran for one season (because the network has always had a habit for canceling genre shows or budget cuts, whatever) about a group of alien slaves who end up on earth. Oh and its a buddy cop show based on a movie that was probably better ....But does it really need a Reboot? Well apparently the Syfy channel and Tim Minear think so! As found here at, it has people are asking how dark it will be. I guess that is a good question although Mr. Minear isn't that "dark" of a writer. But who know what could happen. I have a few fond memories of the original show, although I was only 7 in 1989. With a reboot at least it will get updated, and even with a small budget it will look waaaaaaaaay better than it did 20 years ago. We will all have to see how it progresses. Here's what the intro looked like.
The article also talks about a possible Quantum Leap reboot, but that's just talk right now so if it becomes reality I'll talk about that later. Here's a link for some Quantum Leap Love.
Welcome to Mainstream Geek, My Names Trooper (yes, that's my name). I don't really know how a 1st post should go, so here goes. I'm a Geek who is trying to live among humans and live as humans do or at least live in harmony with them. Wait that isn't right....... What I mean by Mainstream is that I do not fully fall into the Geek Stereo type. In Fact I believe that most people (not just those who claim to be geeks) fall into this. For example, I am a huge Sports fan especially college football, while at the same time I will dive right into a box of comic books and get lost for hours. I am not the socially awkward introvert that most people think geeks (and nerds) to be. Anyway enough about me, What I will try to do is bring things that I find and hope you will find entertaining or interesting to your attention.